A “household” is one person up to however many.
Once you’ve created an Account and built your Household Profile, you’ll be directed to the My25 Select Dashboard where you can engage in healthy meal planning in a variety of ways.
New dinner suggestions, personalized for your household, are posted every week. We’ll also send an email reminding you to make your selections. Once you make your scrumptious selections, you can instantaneously get the accompanying, scaled recipes and grocery shopping list; print or view on any computer or mobile device. We’ll also email you the whole shebang. Yes, you can plan ahead for a few weeks’ time if you want to shop in advance.
Make sure to use My25 Select’s ground-breaking innovation—the Healthy Eating Score (HES) tracker—to help steer your mealtime choices, spur motivation, and ensure sustainable, better health.
You can change your Household Profile at any time . . . adjustments are made instantaneously (e.g. number of people in the household for the upcoming week, foods to avoid, preferred foods).
Remember: Star favorite recipes, so these options are always available at your fingertips. Similarly, any recipe you mark as a dislike means you won’t see that particular suggestion pop up again.
And make sure to visit the My25 Select PORTAL (link in top navigation when you’re on the Dashboard) where you’ll find robust resources in multi-media format and 81 languages. You’ll learn how to eat better throughout the whole day, every day. This is also where you’ll find prizes to reward your positive habit changes and increased engagement regarding eating the right foods in the right amounts.
My25’s outcomes over many years in thousands of households throughout the U.S. are substantial and outpace any other approach, formula, or program—whether traditional or based on points, protein, carbs, or plant basis. We commit to always staying two steps ahead.
We subscribe to moderation versus deprivation, rebalancing the plate, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the USDA’s Healthy Eating Index, and that super nutrient: fiber.
Mainstay is the name of our company and My25 is our core brand. Our team is made up of nutrition, preventive health, disease management, culinary, business, and technology professionals. Our foundational guidelines were built in partnership with the United States Department of Agriculture and via collaboration with professionals from Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine.
Click to view our Terms & Conditions. And if you need anything at any time, please reach out: hello@my25.com; we’re always eager to hear from you. Fiber Nerds are like that.